RELIEF - Environmental relief potential of urban action on avoidance and detoxification of waste streams through green public procurement

Within the project current practices of green purchasing have been assessed and the most relevant product groups for environmental relief identified.


5 th frame work programme of the EU



  • ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (project leader)
  • Institute for Public Finance and Politics of Infrastructure, Technical University of Vienna
  • Institute of Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
  • Center for Environmental Studies (CES), Budapest
  • Chair of Theory of Business Management, esp. Firm's Economics of Environment
  • Dresden University of Technology

On the basis of developed methods the environmental relief potentials for selected product groups have been calculated. To foster the implementation of recommendations for European policy and guidelines for green purchasing practices a campaign for sustainable procurement Procura+ has been prepared. IFZ has been mainly responsible for the development of recommendations and criteria for the product groups cleaning, green buildings and IT-equipment.

Research Topic