Final event of the LOGI-TOOLKIT project

14 January 2025

LOGI-TOOLKIT, our project to develop a prototype for interactive logistics planning at neighborhood level, was successfully completed at the end of 2024.




To mark the official conclusion of the project, thinkport VIENNA organized the workshop “Interactive urban planning with the LOGI-TOOLKIT” on 21 November 2024, which was attended by 33 people, including many representatives of Austrian and German cities, to learn about and exchange information on the possibilities of the toolkit. 

The aim of the workshop was to present LOGI-TOOLKIT - a web-based tool to support needs assessment and logistics planning in urban districts. Practical examples were used to show how the tool can be used in early planning phases to plan and integrate measures such as loading zones, parcel boxes or micro-hubs efficiently and cost-effectively.

The project team, represented by Dr. Alexandra Anderluh (St. Pölten UAS), Dipl. Ing. Günther Illek (IFZ) and Jonathan Fetka (TU Vienna), were delighted with the active participation and lively discussions. The feedback was consistently positive and the participants contributed valuable suggestions for the further development of the tool in future projects.

We would like to thank thinkport Vienna for the successful organization of the workshop.

The LOGI-TOOLKIT research project (duration: 05/2022 - 12/2024) was funded as part of the Mobility of the Future program - an RTI program of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, which is managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.




The LOGI-TOOLKIT is available online (Note: the tool is in prototype status)