proCURE – Joining forces for a sustainable procurement in small municipalities

The project aims to support municipal staff in procuring sustainable products and services. To this end, tools will be developed specifically tailored to the needs of procurement personnel in small municipalities. Additionally, the project seeks to address a gap in vocational education by creating and providing practical teaching materials on sustainable procurement.


Erasmus +, EU-Programme for education, training, youth and sport



  • Community Network "Alliance in the Alps" (AidA), Germany
  • agado, Association for Sustainable Development, Germany
  • Fondacione Ecosistemi, Italy
  • Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS)

Many administrative staff find the topic of sustainable procurement to be complex and unclear. Small municipalities, in particular, struggle with implementing sustainable procurement practices. There is also a lack of awareness about the benefits and rationale of sustainable procurement.

The proCURE project aims to address these issues by providing tools for sustainable procurement, such as argumentation guides. Additionally, the project will develop the following:

  • A curriculum and teaching materials on sustainable procurement for vocational schools, universities, and (administrative) academies to better prepare future procurement professionals.
  • A Train-the-Trainer course to qualify those who offer continuing education for procurement personnel in the non-formal education sector.
  • Procedures that enable multiple small municipalities to collaborate and consolidate their procurement efforts.
Research Topic