New pathways to sustainable construction. Experiences and prospective European research strategies
The aim of this study is to identify innovative research programmes on sustainable buildings (and possibly research areas not organised in programmes) in central, eastern and southern European countries and thereby to create an information basis for a closer international cooperation of „Building of Tomorrow“ with these countries.
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), Programme „Haus der Zukunft“
However, the task is not to create a comprehensive inventory of such research activities, but to point to selected programmes, prospective funding interests and innovative research fields which may be of interest from the perspective of „Building of Tomorrow“. Project steps:
- Systematic investigation on central, eastern and southern European research programmes and innovative fields of research with respect to sustainable buildings;
- establishing contacts with relevant institutions (esp. government departments; public or semi-public agencies and funding bodies); telephone interviews on specific programmes and funding interests;
- selection of 3-5 countries; in-depth interviews with relevant actors and review of innovative programmes and funding strategies;
- report on innovative research and funding activities in selected central, eastern and southern European countries and upcoming research questions.
The results of the investigations should constitute a basis for establishing international cooperation of „Building of Tomorrow“ with other programmes on sustainable buildings – especially in the context of the existing ERA-NET activities – and could provide ideas for the further development of the „Building of Tomorrow“ programme.