Studied English and American Language and Literature and History of Art at the University of Graz, and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University Graz.
Habilitation in continuing education in 2001.
Founding member of IFZ, its director from 1991 to 1999 and from 2007 to 2014, deputy director from 1999 to 2007.
Head of IFZ’s research area “Women – Technology – Environment” from 2001 to 2008. Co-founder of the Girls-into-Engineering Program “FIT – Frauen in die Technik” (“FIT – Female Careers in Technology”) in 1991. Since 2018 Professor at the Science, Technology and Society Unit at Graz University of Technology.
Many years of experience as lecturer at the Universities of Klagenfurt and Graz, the Technical Universities of Graz and Berlin, and the University of Applied Sciences Graz on topics of technology assessment, technology and politics, gender and technology.
Guest Professor at the Technical University Berlin, lecturing on “Environment and Gender” and “Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Technology Design” in 2000.
Maria Goeppert Mayer Guest Professorship University of Hildesheim and University of Applied Sciences and Art in Göttingen, Germany, in 2008.
“Bank of Montreal Visiting Scholar in Women’s Studies” at the Institute of Women’s Studies, University of Ottawa, in 2009.
Member of the Scientific Adivsory Board of the Coordination Center for Women´s Studies and Gender Research Graz.
Member of the Expert Group on Women in Science and Technology (WiST2) of the European Commission since 2007.
Member of the Editorial Board of the "International Journal of Gender and SET Research (GST)", Open University, Milton Keynes.
2009-2014 Member of the Board of Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.
“Käthe Leichter Award for Women Studies, Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities for Women in the Work Place” by the Austrian Ministry for Education, Art and Culture in November 2007.
“Dr. Maria Schaumayr Foundation Award” for the Hablilitation Thesis in 2003.
- Gender and technology
- Feminist perspectives on sustainable technology design
- Quantitative and qualitative measures to improve the status of women in science and engineering