Proceedings 10th IAS-STS Annual Conference 2011

Governing Agrobiotechnology in Developing Countries: the Case of South-East Asia
Gloria Adduci

The varieties of ‘community’ in the transition to low carbon futures
Gerald Aiken

Economic Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
Orachos Napasintuwong Artachinda

Towards a feminist ethics of knowledge modeling for the future Web 3.0
Corinna Bath

Energy Poverty: a sociological case study in Austria
Thomas Berger

Patterns of energy use in energy-aware households
Lisa Bohunovsky, Sigrid Grünberger

Making room for water. Managed-retreat as local practice
Silvia Bruzzone

Gender struggles in Web 2.0
Tanja Carstensen

An STS approach to the design of Online Reputation: The Assemblage Theory compared with current state-of-the-art
Stefano De Paoli

Open source software development: “GNU communities” and the social face of ICT
Rositsa Dikova

The Problem Multiple – Constructing ‘the Research Problem’ in TD Project Contexts
Ulrike Felt, Judith Igelsböck, Andrea Schikowitz, Thomas Völker

Transdisciplinary Methods for Researching and Supporting Ecological Entrepreneurship
Hart Nadav Feuer

Development of a Decision Supporting System to improve risk analysis related to GMO’s releases into the environment.
Life+ project: Validation of risk management tools for genetically modified plants in protected and sensitive areas in Italy (MAN-GMP-ITA). Action C3

Valeria Giovannelli, Matteo Lener, Giovanni Staiano

Social Media and Self-Organization: Potentials for Knowledge Processes and Social Change
Robert Gutounig

“Overcoming Leviathan” Setting up alternative agro-food systems in Eastern Europe: network theory perspective
Wojciech Goszczyński

The importance of suits. Transport planners co-constructions of gender, technology and sustainable mobility
Malin Henriksson

The Concept of ‘Heteronormativity’ and its Methodological Implications
Birgit Hofstätter, Torsten Wöllmann

Organizational development of renewable energy
Marfuga Iskandarova

Integrating research and stakeholder’s perspective in research on alternative agro-food networks
Sandra Karner, Nicoleta Chioncel

Bionetworking over DNA & Food: Critical design probe for nutrigenomics
Denisa Kera

Technological visions and Open Government Data
Axel Kittenberger

Approximation of abatement cost curve
Olga Kiuila, Thomas Rutherford

Rivers, reservoirs and riparians: The multiple dimensions of flood control
Franz Krause

Revitalizing East Asia’s Old Virtue of Filial Piety in 21st Century Informational City
On-Kwok Lai

Discursive aspects of GMO risk policy in Latvia
Zane Linde

Dimensions of Limits to Environmental Management: STS Reflections
Ingmar Lippert

Unbundling of District Heating Co-operations in Stockholm?
Dick Magnusson

Policy impacts of ethical advisory bodies on the societal regulation of biotechnology
Franc Mali, Toni Pustovrh, Blanka Groboljsek

Green work-life-balance – a new concept of promoting sustainable lifestyles
Viola Muster, Ulf Schrader

Working within and beyond the market – Individual and societal recognition for sustainable work
Linda Nierling

Making epistemic distinctions: Gender and the heterogeneity of science
Tanja Paulitz, Susanne Kink

Variable and flexible constructions of gender within German engineering. First outcomes of a long-term discourse analysis.
Tanja Paulitz, Bianca Prietl

Reflecting the individual use of Web2.0 tools
Jutta Pauschenwein, Anastasia Sfiri

Integrating research and teaching by inter- and transdisciplinary case-studies
Alfred Posch, Ralf Aschemann, Karin Dullnig, Karl Reiter, Ulrike Seebacher

What does it take to be ecological?
Luísa Reis de Castro

Digital Civic Engagement among Anarchist Activists in Poland
Lisiunia A. Romanienko

Informatized Work and its socio-cultural implications
Caroline Roth-Ebner

‘Environmental citizenship’ in energy-related community projects
Anna Schreuer

Transdisciplinarity in sustainability studies: Theoretical debates – methodological challenges and empirically gained experiences
Irmgard Schultz

Bio-Luddism: uneven diffusion and national context
Franz Seifert

Urban batteries/incubators: recognizing and using the energetic potential of small urban and rural areas of Vojvodina region
Ivan Simic

Trusting Diversity: Exploring Diversity-Based Recommendations in Research
Judith Simon

Participatory modelling and sustainability research
Barbara Smetschka, Veronika Gaube

Integrating socio-economic assessment of GMOs into decision making - exploring the challenges
Armin Spök

Urban Future on Trial: Creative Response(s) to Climate Change
Aleksandra Stupar

Informal learning with social media and its potential for a democratisation of education
Anita Thaler

Responsivity as a transdisciplinary research principle
Ulli Vilsmaier
Sustainable consumption beyond the market
Corinna Vosse

Transition to Bioenergy Systems in Transition Economies: Case of Ukraine
Yuliya Voytenko

Interactive Learning Projects for Schools with Web 2.0 Tools
Heike Wiesner, Andreas Wiesner-Steiner

The Problems of Making Social Change Prognoses in View of Generational Change
Danuta Zalewska