Proceedings 5th Annual IAS-STS Conference 2006
On Causes of the Dispute over the Precautionary Principle in Agri-Biotechnology Risk Governance
Marko Atheensuu
Architecture of Reprogenetic Objects
Bettina Bock v. Wülfingen
Environmental Technologies and Socio-Political Expectations: The Case of the Wind Turbine
Andrea Bunting
Educational Strategies for Empowering Women in Science and Technology
Nicoleta Chioncel
Green Car Concepts and the German Greens
Andrea Humphreys
Experiences of the Avian Influenza: Hungarian Birds under Siege
Gyula Kasza
Background of a Decision: Genetically Modified Crops in Hungary
Gyula Kasza, Judith Szigeti, Enikö Somogyváry
Products and Services versus Sustainability
Balász Köszeghy
Governing Sociotechnical Change in Regional Innovation Systems
Harald Rohracher
Communication Technologies of Science: A Change of Science-Cognition
Rédey Soma
The Site for an Instrument in the Holistic Versions of Science
Olga Stoliarova
Science, Technology and Environment in the Light of the Sustainable Development Philosophy
Kasim Tatic
Good Afternoon, Gentleman, is there a Woman present?
Christine Wächter
Role of Community Forestry in Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Case Study of some Community Forest Users`Groups in Nepal
Dharam Uprety