Proceedings 6th Annual IAS-STS Conference 2007
Towards a Degendered Design of Information Technologies
Corinna Bath
Its not about me but about my family: The Involvement of Family within the Genetic Test Setting
Daniela Freitag
Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Technology Design
Günter Getzinger
A Tale about the Unconscious Giant: Experiences of Recent Food Risk Communication Studies from Hungary
Gyula Kasza, Timea Daczó, Zsolt Novák
Contesting Lay or Expert Boundaries: Participatory TA of Agbiotech in Europe
Les Levidow
History calling? Considering the Mobile In Context of the Broader History of the Telephone
David Mercer
Sustainability ICT Visions and their Triggers in Technology Construction
Oana Mitrea
Gandhi: Sustainability and Technology as Ideas of Political Practice
Anup Sam Ninan
Trust as a Foundmental Element to Manage the Potential Social Risks of Human Biobanks: Two Stages to Build the Relationships of Trust
Huei-Chih Niu
Contested Knowledge, Epistemic Instability and Boundary Work in Engineering: The Case of Historic Debates about the Natural and the Artifical
Tanja Paulitz
The Organisational Culture of NW Engineering Workplaces: The Influence on Women Engineers
Natalie Sappleton, Haifa Takruri-Rizk, Sunrita Dhar-Bhattacharjee, Rae Bezer
Worlds apart. Explaining Diverging Patterns of Rural GMO Resistance in Austria and France.
Franz Seifert
Governing the Estonian Genome Project
Kadri Simm
A White Coat Syndrome: Is it Objective or Subjective?
Olga Stoliarova
Expressing the Power of Technology: Urban Challenge, Global Fashion or Imperative of Sustainability?
Aleksandra Stupar
Building a Room of Ones Own: An Insight into the Origins of Women Architects in Serbia
Modes of Governance of Hybrid Systems. The Mid Air Collision at Ueberlingen and the Impact of Smart Technology
Johannes Weyer
IT Construction as Media Magic: Lay Designers Experiences and Perceptions
Isabel Zorn