Proceedings 7th Annual IAS-STS Conference 2008
'Let's Engage the Public - But for What?' A Critical Assessment of Public Consultations on GMOs in the EU
Marko Ahteensuu
Feminist analysis and design of computational artefacts. Why epistemology (still) matters
Corinna Bath
Floods as Social Events
Thomas Berger
Interpretations of organizational expectations and robust knowledge
Risto Eräsaari
Revision of social construction of technology theory in the context of IT development projects
Eva Estok
The ambivalent question of long-range roadmaps and reflexive transition in hydrogen economy
Ágnes Fésüs
Parental management of everyday life with CF-children
Daniela Freitag
Trans-disciplinarity: Main Categorie and their Usability
Günter Getzinger
Nanotechnology as NanoTechnoScience
Vitaly Gorokhov
How to carry out 'co-operative' research?
Sandra Karner, Nicoleta Chioncel
Consumer acceptance of new generations of genetically modified organisms
Gyula Kasza, Katalin Kádár, Krisztián Keszthelyi
Analyzing Design and Potential of Pesticide Application Services in Austrian Farming
Manfred Klade
Conceptualising agents of ecological modernisation within 'hybrid fields' and emancipation from them
Ingmar Lippert
Dialectics of Civic Epistemology
David Mercer
Risks (and benefits) assessments policies - making the framing assumptions explicit
Erik Millstone
The shift to soft computing in arificial intelligence and its relation to alternative kinds of epistemology
Verónica Sanz
Environmental Impact of the Information-Communicatin Technologies and their Role in Sustainable Development
Kasim Tatic
Laughing among engineers: About the interaction of gender, technology and humour
Anita Thaler
Design and Management Options for improving the energy performances of Housing
Heimo Staller, Wibke Tritthart
Ethical boundary work in Biomedicine
Bernhard Wieser
Standardizing Sperm. On the Regulation of Medical Expert Knowledge and Biotechnological Classifications
Torsten Wöllmann
How Technical and Personal Development Interact: Characteristics of Digital Media as a Pre-Condition for an Educational Experience
Isabel Zorn
Genetic Risk and Individual Responsibilization. 'Breast Cancer Susceptability Genes' as a Matter of Self-management.
Andrea zur Nieden