Proceedings 9th IAS-STS Annual Conference 2010
Agrobiotechnology in South-East Asia: an overview
Gloria Adduci
Imagine all the people and technology: The students’ learning potential when reflecting and producing gender sensitive images
Daniela Freitag
Gender relations in mainstream teenage films: The Twilight Saga
Birgit Hofstätter
The many ways of regulating biobanks
Michaela Theresia Mayrhofer
The risks of agrobiotechnology: between science, politics and economy
Renata Campos Motta
Social machines? Critical reflections on the agency of Embodied Conversational Agents
Florian Muhle
Web 2.0 and academia
Michael Nentwich
French men researchers in higher education and their professional representations
Cloé Pinault
Images of SET and gender in the Austrian soap opera
Lisa Scheer
Energy cooperatives as social innovation processes in the energy sector: a conceptual framework for further research
Anna Schreuer
Smell of computer: Reminiscence of digital technological artefacts as a sensual experience
Jaakko Suominen
Informal modes of technology learning and its gender implications
Anita Thaler
The international mobility of STEM women in academia: Intersectional effects on their career progression
Andrea Wolffram, Anna Bouffier, Carmen Leicht-Scholten
Technology-driven generational and demographic incompatibilities (The Future Perspective)
Lech W. Zacher