Yearbook 2008 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Yearbook 2008 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology, Society: Prologue
Arno Bammé
From Gender Analysis to Technology Design Methodologies: Implications for Theory
Corinna Bath
Gender and Disciplinary Cultures: Comparing Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Anne-Françoise Gilbert
The Social Construction of ‘Design’ as a Gendered Activity. Engineering Design and Socio-Technical Change
Tanja Paulitz
Oh What a Gendered Web We Weave: Deconstructing Digital Discourse in Political Web Sites
Tess Pierce
Democratising Agri-Biotechnology? European Public Participation in Agbiotech Assessment
Les Levidow
Benefits, Risks and Trust in Human Biobanks
Huei Chih Niu
The Econologics of Genetic Autonomy - Ex-Situ Genetic Resources and Corporeal Articulations of Interests
Sakari Tamminen
Installing Photovoltaic Technology in the UK: Some User Constructions
Dana Abi-Ghanem
Actor-Network Theory and Byzantine Interpretation of Aristotle’s Theory of Action: Three Points of Possible Dialogue
Georgi Kapriev & Ivan Tchalakov
Debating the Urban Water Cycle - The Destination of Rainwater
Steffen Koch
Defining Health, Policy and Science: Legitimating Vertically Integrated Expertise in the WHO EMF Project
David Mercer
Technopolitical Mediations in the Climate Change Regime: STS Takes on Hot Air
Anup Sam Ninan
Shaping the Image of Globalization: The Role of Technology in Urban Regeneration
Aleksandra Stupar
Technological Negotiation in Media Activism: Critical Resistance, Selective Adoption
Christina Dunbar-Hester
Educational Construction of Information Technology as Engagement with the Course of the World
Isabel Zorn