Yearbook 2012 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology, Society: Prologue
Arno Bammé
Learning with Magazines and TV? Gendered Images of Science, Engineering and Technology in Youth Media
Anita Thaler
GM Crops and Biosafety in South-East Asia: Singapore as Case Study
Gloria Adduci
Energy Poverty in Austria and Perspectives from Social Science
Thomas Berger
Long-term Temporality in STS Research on Infrastructural Technologies
Helena Karasti
ICT Industries as a Test Case for Practice-based Sustainability Research
Sandy Ross
Towards the Ultimate E3-topia: Scrambling the Energy Efficient, Eco-friendly and Electronic Urban Furture?
Aleksandra Stupar
The Role of Community in the Transition to Low Carbon Futures: The MLP and Transition Towns
Gerald Taylor Aiken
Self-Providing as a Catalyst of Sustainable Consumption
Corinna Vosse
Agro-biomass-to-energy Systems in Transition Economies: Cases of Ukraine and Lithuania
Yuliya Voytenko, Laurencas Raslavicius
Cultural Affordances and Changing Social Dynamics in Asian and European Contexts
Florence Chee
F/OSS Projects Community Modelling “Modular Communities“ and the Drupal CMS Project
Rositsa Dikova
What is Information Processing? An Analysis Based on Shannon Information and Algorithmic Information
Nir Fresco
Digital Civic Engagement among Anarchist Activists in Poland
Lisiunia A. Romanienko