Dissemination of Energy Efficiency Measures in the Public Building Sector (DEEP)
In the project IFZ is partner of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiative which coordinates DEEP. The project aims to assist public procurers in improving energy efficiency through high environmental standards of public buildings.
EU, Programm „Energy Intelligent – Europe“
- ICLEI – Internationaler Rat für Kommunale Umweltinitiativen, Europasekretariat Freiburg (Projektleitung)
- SEMCO – Swedish Environmental Management Council
- EPTA Ldt; Università Reggion Calabria; DIBS – Diputació die Barcelona
- Provincia di Vremona
- TEDKNA – The Local Union of Municipalities and Town Councils of Attica
- Auxilia
- Ecoserveis
- Växjöhem AB.
The power of public procurement in the building sector is significant: Approximately 40% of the procurement budgets of local authorities are spent on buildings. To accomplish high environmental standard in public buildings criteria for building material, energy requirement and green electricity will be developed. To ensure that the criteria developed are useful for local authorities and reflect latest technological developments, stakeholder will be involved in the development procedure. Furthermore, the criteria will be directly used by and integrated into the Procura+ Sustainable Procurement Campaign, developed by ICLEI. Since 2004 the campaign provides key criteria to distinguish “green” products from average products, which can be applied directly in the procurement process.
The criteria are the basis for training-tools for both public purchasers and public authorities’ suppliers. Finally European Policy Recommendations will be formulated, taking into account the project findings.