Anguelova, Radostina | Bulgaria

Anguelova, Radostina | Bulgaria

Studied Pedagogy and PhD programme on Psychology at the Sofia University. Specialisations on cognitive psychology, consultative psychology and solution oriented therapy. Work experience as pedagogue-psychologist at the prison.

Since1991 ass. prof. and lecturer at the Department of Psychology at SW University in Blagoevgrad and NB University at Sofia on topics of experimental psychology and decision-making. From February to November 2000 she was a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz.

Main fields of activity: Understanding, Decision-making and Problem solving(in cognitive, social and consultative aspects), psychological aspects of management of human ressources and vocational psychodiagnostics.

Project at IAS-STS:  Decision Making, Professional Choice and Motivation upon Entrance at University considering an emphasis on a comparative analysis between Austria and Bulgaria

The main purpose of my project is to explore career choice of engineering beginners that includes to find out the main socio-psychological reasons influencing the motivation for choosing engineering as a career upon entrance at University as well as the process of choice and decision-making models using in this process.

The complexity of the problem requires research is carried out on several levels with simultaneous experiments on different samples. The influence of FIT programme on the decision-making structures will be tested separately on another level.
To realize the main goal of the research two kind of experimental methods are constructed: a questionnaire comprising structured and unstructured questions designed to elicit data on the subjects' reasons and motivation for choosing engineering as a profession and a interview designed to elicit information regarding the process of career choice and decision-making structures involved in it.

For understanding the motivational background of career choice and its cultural determination I intent to do a comparative analysis between Austrian and Bulgarian samples. That comparative analysis would be very helpful for finding out some special features of the career decision-making process and for its connection to social requirements. The results would give opportunities to construct programmes, by which would be possible to influence the vocational choice of young people in concordance to social needs. They also would help in determining the composition of engineering choice as well as personnel values and employment outlook.


1. Development of system for understanding special type of tasks by 9-years old children. In: understanding in school conditions. Blagoevgrad, 1985.

2. Psychological aspects of task solving by computer(article). Smolian, 1987.

3. Developing a motivation for research activity by work on computer. (article). Blagoevgrad, 1987.

4. Computer education - prerequisite for activating the creative start of children. (article). V. Tarnovo, 1988.

5. Aspects of creativity,manifested by students in their computer communication. (article). Rousse, 1989.

6. Flexibility of child thinking during their work on a computer. (article). Sofia, 1990.

7.Children' agressiveness as mecanism of defence (article). Blagoevgrad, 1991

8. Exploration of emotional maturity of adolescents with deviations in behaviour. (article) . Blagoevgrad, 1991.

9. Investigation on some statements and personal features with great importance for the social adaptation.(article). Blagoevgrad, 1991.

10. Child agressiveness - mesure of family relationships. (article). Athens, 1995.

11. Sincretic psychocorective programme for unadapted behaviour (with Al.Alexiev and B.Strahilov). Athens, 1995.

12. Psychological tests(with L.Krastev), part 1,2. Blagoevgrad, 1995, 1996.

13. Get knowing child by examining him. Blagoevgrad, 1997.

14. If you can measure it, you can predict. (with Iv.Krastev). Sofia, 2000.

15. Understanding as a cognitive process. In: Understanding in school conditions. Blagoevgrad, 2000.