21th Annual STS Conference Graz 2023: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
20th Annual STS Conference Graz 2022: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
19th Annual STS Conference Graz 2021: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
16th Annual STS Conference Graz 2017: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Thomas Berger (eds.):
Yearbook 2014 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2016
15th Annual STS Conference Graz 2016: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
14th Annual STS Conference Graz 2015: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
Nicki Lisa Cole
Definitely Not “Better”: The Hidden Costs of iPhone 6
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Thomas Berger (eds.):
Yearbook 2013 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2015
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Thomas Berger (eds.):
Yearbook 2012 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2014
13th Annual STS Conference Graz 2014: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISSN: 2304-4233
Solveig Lena Hansen, Sabine Wöhlke:
Movies, ready for an ethical debate. Die Göttinger Filmreihe "Komplexe Konflikte" als Diskurs über ethisch-medizinische Themen
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2014, 5-7
Ana Delicado:
Not without the people. Public engagement with renewable energy in Portugal
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 1/2014, 8-10
12th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISSN: 2304-4233
Tanja Carstensen:
Web 2.0: Die technische Seite des Wandels von (Erwerbs-)Arbeit
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2013, 8-10
Linda Nierling:
Technik als Allheilmittel? Aktuelle Veränderungen in der Pflegearbeit durch den Einsatz neuer Technologien
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2013, 15-16
Poonam Pandey:
When Global meets Local. The Cartagena Protcol on Biosafty and public paticipation in India
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2013, 6-7
Tanja Carstensen:
Gender- und Intersektionalitätsforschung in Arbeit und Technik
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2013, 11-14
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Thomas Berger (eds.):
Yearbook 2011 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2012
11th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISSN: 2304-4233
Steffen Wirth:
Wie die Biogastechnologie in die Landwirtschaft kam. Die "feinen Unterschiede" zwischen der Steiermark und Niederösterreich
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2012, 15-16
Gloria Adduci:
Governing Agrobiotechnology in South-East Asia
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2012, 17-18
Yuliya Voytenko:
Denmark: Lessons from the Global Leader in Straw-to-Energy
in: Mathias L. Pedersen and Jakob Christoffersen (eds.): Nordic Countries: Economic, Political and Social Issues
Yuliya Voytenko:
Bioenergy in Ukraine: Sustainable pathways for agro-bioenergy development
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2010 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2011
10th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 978-3-9502678-4-6
Sandy Ross:
Think Before You Tweet: Improving Awareness of ICTs and Emissions.
Why should we think critically about information and communications technologies?
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2011, 10-12
Franz Seifert:
Bewegung ohne Grenzen?
Wie transnational ist die österreichische Anti-Gentechnikbewegung?
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2011, 17-18
Annette Ohme-Reinicke:
Das große Unbehagen
Die Protestbewegung gegen «Stuttgart 21»: Aufbruch zu neuem bürgerlichen Selbstbewusstsein?
9th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 978-3-9502678-3-9
Les Levidow, Susan Carr:
EU agbiotech controversy. What has been on trial?
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2010, 23-26
Tanja Paulitz:
Gender & Technikforschung
Von der "Chancengleichheitsforschung" zur empirisch-dekonstruktiven Geschlechterforschung
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2010, 27-30
Ute Kalender:
Möglichkeiten für eine sozialere Biomedizin? Die neue Forschungsrichtung Epigenetik
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2010, 10-12
Gülsevim Ocak:
Bio-in-techno polis
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 1/2010, 17-18
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2009 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2010
8th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 978-3-9502678-1-5
Felizitas Sagebiel, Carmen Alemany, Jenifer Dahmen, Bodil Davidsson, Anne-Sophie Godfroy-Genin, Gabriela Kolvekova, Cloé Pinaut, Els Rommes, Monika Schönberger, Anita Thaler, Natasa Urbanciková, Christine Wächter:
How to change stereotypical images of science, engineering and technology
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2009, 17-19
Kolya Abramsky:
Energy Transition
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2009, 6-8
Jaakko Suominen:
Cultural Appropriation of the Internet
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2009, 17-18
Giuseppina Pellegrino:
Technology and Mobilities
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2009, 10-12
Joy Hagen, Anna Zivian:
Mobilizing Science for Risk Assessment
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2009, 7-9
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2008 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2009
7th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 978-3-9502242-7-6
Matthias Naumann:
Schrumpfende Regionen auf dem Trockenen?
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2008, 3-6
Ulrich Dolata:
25 Jahre kommerzielle Gentechnik
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2008, 10-12
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2007 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2008
6th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 3-9502242-1-1
Natalie Sappleton:
See No Women, Hear No Women
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2007, 17-19
Huei-Chih Niu:
The Governance Challenges of Biotechnology
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2007, 10-12
Corinna Bath:
`Discover Gender´ in Forschung und Technologieentwicklung
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2007, 3-5
Tanja Paulitz:
Maschinen konstruieren
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2007, 17-19
5th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies
ISBN: 3-9502242-0-3
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2006 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2006
Les Levidow:
Channelling Agbiotech Contoversy into Regulatory Conflicts
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2006, 15-18
Ulrich Glotzbach:
Mobiltelefonie fuer Produkte der Zukunft
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2006, 12-14
Balazs Köszeghy:
Effects of sociological modernization on new product development
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2006, 3-5
Les Levidow:
EU agbiotech regulation
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2006, 10-12
Ericka Johnson:
Knowing and reproducing the body
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 1/2006, 3-5
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2005 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2005
Andrea Bunting:
The Social Shaping of Wind Power in Australia
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 1/2005, 9-11
Ulrich Dolata:
The Old Economy schlägt zurück
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2005, 9-11
Zoltan Lakner & Gyula Kasza:
Hungarian Consumers and Genetic Engineering
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2005, 6-8
Oana Mitrea:
Wireless telephony and rebuilding of interpersonal communication
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 2/2005, 12-14
Kyra Landzelius:
Gendering ´round the Incubator
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 3/2005, 19-21
Hajo Greif:
Was sind eigentlich intelligente Systeme
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2005, 12-14
Annette Ruef & Jochen Markard:
Zwischen Euphorie und Ernüchterung
in: SOZIALE TECHNIK 4/2005, 6-8
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2004 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2004
Hajo Greif:
Meaning without Intention
Extended and revised English version of a paper published in German as "Bedeutung ohne Absicht" in: Johann C. Marek und Maria E. Reicher (eds): Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, Vol. XII, Hölder-Pichler- Tempsky, Kirchberg am Wechsel 2004
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2003 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2003
Todor Galev, 22 May 2003:
Questioning Technology: Instrumental and Anthropological Approaches
Presentation at IAS-STS, Work-in-Progress Workshop
Ivan Tchalakov, 22 May 2003:
Technology Innovations under real Socialism: from sociotechnical networks to 'second networks'
Presentation at IAS-STS, Work-in-Progress Workshop
Todor Galev, 13 March 2003:
Questioning 'Dual Use' Concept
Presentation at IAS-STS, Work-in-Progress Workshop
Ivan Tchalakov, 13 March 2003:
Lecture at IAS-STS, Work-in-Progress Workshop
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2002 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2002
Dmitri V. Efremenko, September 2001:
Internationale Klimapolitik: EU, USA, Russische Föderation Hintergründe und Bedingungen im Vergleich
Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.):
Yearbook 2001 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society
Profil, Munich and Vienna 2001
Helmut Reinicke, 24 April 2001:
Technik, Theorie, - Kritik
Lecture at IAS-STS
Annette Ohme-Reinicke, March 2001:
Fortschritt als Provokation
In: Neue Züricher Zeitung, March 24th, 2001
Annette Ohme-Reinicke, November 2000:
Du mußt kein Scheich sein zum Reich-Sein - Über die Konditionierung in der technischen Zivilisation durch Fernsehsendungen wie 'Taxiorange' und 'big brother'
In: Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte, Jg. 51, Nr. 12, 2000