Gabaldón-Estevan, Daniel | Spain

Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan

Fellow at IAS-STS: 2016/17

Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan graduated on Sociology, at the University of Alicante, in the year 2000, in 2005, I obtained Advanced Studies Degree (DEA) Awarded Excellent in the program “Social welfare, Cooperation and Local Development" at the University of Valencia. In 2008 I graduated on Political Sciences, at the University of Valencia, and in 2010, I obtained my PhD Awarded Cum Laude, at the University of Valencia. He holds at present a position as PhD Assistant professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Valencia. Previously (2004-2011) has been Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (INGENIO), joint Institute of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Prior to that he was researcher (2002-2003), at the Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia. He is member of the International Sociological Association (RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology and RC24 Environment and Society), of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) and INOGOV Innovations in Climate Governance). His research interests in the area of innovation and sustainability started from the analysis of innovation in the Spanish ceramic tile industry and its supply industry and the characterization of its innovation system, and into sustainability issues regarding the ceramic tile industry, particularly on how environmental issues affect their development, with a special focus on energy.

Projekt at IAS-STS: Ceramic Industry Transition to a Sustainable Energy Model

The main expected results the project are: (1) A revision of the state of the art of the use of biomass in the ceramic manufacturing process. (2) Identification of new employment opportunities biomass in the manufacture of ceramic products, with estimated savings of fossil fuels and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions on each new opportunity studied. (3) technical, economic and social analysis of each identified opportunity . (4) Dissemination of the uses of biomass in the ceramic sector.

Aware of the environmental challenges facing the ceramic industry in the coming years, especially those related to energy and emissions. Knowing their potential of its innovation system to, through environmental innovation, generate and adapt technologies and improved techniques available to the productive system TICMES project proposes a socio- technical study on the incorporation of biofuels in the energy mix of the Spanish ceramic industry.

The specific objectives of this project: (1) Analyse the current use of biomass in the ceramic sector. (2) Identify and evaluate potential new uses of biomass in the process of manufacture of ceramic products. (3) Plan the transition to a situation where the use of biomass copper a greater role. (4) Calculate the reduced environmental impact of the manufacturing process of ceramic materials, to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels whose combustion produces emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas with influence on global warming. (5) To study the energy efficiency in the production plants of ceramic materials and production costs resulting from the change in technology. (6) To contribute to the improvement of the position of firms in markets where the environmental variable is highly valued, through the dissemination of research results. (7) Evaluate the potential for improving the quality of life of residents resulting from a reduction of the combustion of natural gas and the best use of local resources. (8) To estimate the effects for rural development and job creation can bring the best use of resources and reduction of forest, agricultural and/or other debris. (9) Identify the strategies of public policies that affect the use of biomass as an energy source in ceramics at European, national and regional scale industry. (10) characterize the institutional framework and current socio- economic environment for implementation of biomass as an energy source on an industrial scale in the ceramic industry. (11) Identify existing and dormant opportunities at different scales (regional, national and European), and of different types (economic, social, institutional, environmental , organizational, etc.) that enhance or would enhance the sustainable use of biomass for energy in the production processes of the ceramic industry. (12) Identify the internal and external obstacles, and of various kinds affecting the ceramic industry cluster for the use of biomass as an energy source in its production processes. (13) Suggest measures in the various different areas of public policy and to facilitate the sustainable use of biomass in the ceramic industry territorial Levels.


Selected Publications

Gabaldón-Estevan, D., Mezquita, A., Ferrer, S., Monfort, E. (under revision) Unwanted Effects of European Union Environmental Policy at Promoting a Post-carbon Industry. The Case of Energy in the European Ceramic Tile Sector. Journal of Cleaner Production. – Journal on JCR/SCI –
Monfort, E., Mezquita, A., Vaquer, E., Mallol, G., Gabaldón-Estevan, D. (2014) La evolución energética del sector español de baldosas cerámicas. Bol Soc Esp Ceram V Vol 53, 3, 111-120 - Journal on JCR/SCI -
Gabaldón-Estevan, D., Criado-Herrero, E.; Monfort-Gimeno, E. (2014) The Green Factor in the European manufacturing industry. Case study of the Spanish Ceramic Tile Industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. 70, 242-250 – Journal on JCR/SCI –
Gabaldón-Estevan, D.; Hekkert, M.P. (2013) How Does the Innovation System in the Spanish Tile Sector Function? Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 52 (3) pp. 151-158 – Journal on JCR/SCI -
Gabaldón-Estevan, D.; Fernandez de Lucio, I.; Molina Morales, FX. (2012) Distritual Innovation Systems ARBOR-Ciencia pensamiento y cultura, 188 (753), 63-73 – Journal on JCR/SSCI