Ihde, Don | USA

Ihde, Don | USA

In March 2003 Don Ihde was Guest Lecturer at IAS-STS.  

Project at IAS-STS: Bodies in Technology

Beginning with a sketch of a phenomenology of embodiment, touching on virtual reality, prosthetic extension, and other variations, I will then focus upon the ways in which human embodiment is reflexively implied in instrumentation. Examples will be taken from historical and contemporary science instrumentation.

The inquiry will also show how, only since the mid-twentieth century, there has been a "scientific revolution" which is at least as momentous as the earlier one between pre- and early-modern science. The role of visualization, computer tomography and other processes will also be illustrated.

Guest Lecturer at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society in March 2003.


Attached file
Curriculum Vitae