Bioenergy's Role in the EU Energy Market

Promoting the Public Perception of Bioenergy


European Comission, DG TREN



  • BTG Biomass Technology Group, Holland (project lead)
  • ESD Energy for Sustainable Development, England
  • CRES Centre for Renewable Energy Systems, Greece

IFZ is carrying out the sociological part of the project “Bioenergy’s Role in the EU Energy Market” which aims at

  1. gaining a better understanding of the public perception of bio-energy, and the factors that influence this understanding;
  2. mapping the key stakeholders and present efforts to promote a more favourable attitude of European citizens towards bio-energy at a European, national and regional level, the strengths and deficits of these campaigns and the requirements for a coherent European promotion strategy;
  3. suggesting an action plan for new approaches to promote bio-energy in the public's perception, based on existing best practices of promotion activities and strategies to integrate and complement existing programmes and activities.