Passive House 2.0 Development of optimized practice-oriented planning- and construction documents for passive houses of the second generation
As basis for this project metrological results of multi floor passive house buildings, the analysis of the user behavior and the definition of quality criteria for “thermal comfort” and “user comfort” in passive house buildings were used.
Funds for Climate and Energy; Programme "New Energies 2020"
- AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf
- Energy the Tyrol, Innsbruck
- Planning Office Schöberl & Pöll Ltd., Vienna
- Technical Office Wilhelm Hofbauer, Vienna
Previous research projects showed that the total system “Passive House” is not optimized yet concerning its energy efficiency, although highly developed component parts were installed. Unexpected energy losses occurred within the building service system (heating system, domestic hot water conditioning and ventilation system). Also an interesting problem is the energy loss through the steadily increasing electric power consumption of household and electric devices.
As basis for this project metrological results of multi floor passive house buildings, the analysis of the user behavior and the definition of quality criteria for “thermal comfort” and “user comfort” in passive house buildings were used. The objective could not be the change of user behavior, but the adaptation of the technologies to defined quality criteria.
The team worked on the development of a new optimization methodology for building and building services components to find solutions for innovative strategies for the total system “Passive House”. Result of the project is a strategic handbook for the “passive house of the second generation” useful for planers, producers and operators.