SafeMobil - Opportunities to increase the attractiveness of sustainable forms of mobility by improving safety

Problem: active and sustainable forms of mobility have lower safety risks compared to cars. In the subjective perception, however, differentiated fears lead to the fact that different forms of active and sustainable (multi) mobility are not used to a limited extent.


FFG Mobilität der Zukunft



  • Fachhochschule St. Pölten Forschungs GmbH (Projektleitung)
  • netwiss OG

This feeling of insecurity in different situations (eg walk in the evening or at night, use of public transport in daylight times etc.) leads to the fact that paths are frequently traveled by car or taxi, which subjectively convey a correspondingly higher sense of safety rather than ways multimodally through the use of active and sustainable forms of mobility.

The aim of the exploratory project SicherMobil is to answer the following questions:
(i) whether and in which concrete form the uncertainty feeling can be counteracted by using modern mobile communication technologies, or
(ii) how appropriate technologies can help in concrete planning of unsafe hotspots not to let it arise or to permanently eliminate existing ones in order to achieve an increase in attractiveness in the area of multimodal and sustainably oriented mobility chains. It is necessary to design a system which helps to remove those barriers which hinder or hinder access to mobility under appropriate fears or incidents.

Method: The SafeMobil project initially identifies those groups of persons for whom the perceived uncertainty is a particular obstacle to mobility and identifies their concrete fears, whereby extensive consortium know-how can be used. Subsequently, all known systems which are to contribute to the enhancement of the safety or security sense are thoroughly analyzed and systems which are not known at the present time are identified. In doing so, the contact with operators is also sought in order to learn from their experiences or to verify concrete connecting points and interfaces. Due to the complexity and sensitivity of the topic, several networking workshops are organized as a core of the project for the deepening elaboration of solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved, including representatives of security agencies, public authorities, politics, planning departments, security and IT experts and stakeholders and to define the specific requirements for a security tool. The aim of these networking workshops is not only to generate valuable know-how, but also to build an understanding of the changing requirements. The consortium will present scientific experts from the areas of mobility, social sciences, information and communication technologies as well as mediation, which will accompany the workshops.

From all the findings gained within the framework of the networking workshops, a concurrent system is conceived, which, using mobile communication technologies,
a) provides a kind of "accompaniment service" for active mobile people in situations of perceived uncertainty,
b) provides a quenching function in the event of an emergency and
(c) to detect uncertainty hotspots (partly automated) for everyday operations, and to automatically provide the relevant information to the relevant authorities (planning, executive, etc.). Finally, the designed system is evaluated with regard to user acceptance and concrete added value for the enhancement of the security situation within the framework of sustainable mobility forms and their effects on the mobility behavior and concrete further implementation steps are defined.

The result and value added by SicherMobil is a catalog of implementation, which clearly defines which measures to improve the (perceived) safety are to be implemented and in which areas further concrete research and development needs are needed to ensure a sustainable, sensible and effective action for all parties involved.

Research Topic