Eatable City Graz?! - About social gardening and the contribution of urban food to "good food for everyone"
At the end of our project "Development of social gardening in Graz: Concepts and the relation to food justice" we invite you to an event on Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Festsaal of the Heilandskirche (Kaiser-Josef-Platz 9, 8010 Graz). Please register by tuesday, December 6th, 4 p.m., number of places are limited: david [punkt] steinwender
ifz [punkt] at.
Social gardening as a practice has proven itself in many areas of self-organized and supervised community work. It is part of sustainable and smart urban development.
In the event with the title "Eatable City of Graz" we would like to think further. At the end of our project "Development of social gardening in Graz: Concepts and the relation to food justice" and at the start of the new Horizon Europe project "PLANET4B" we would like to invite you to the event. The event is carried out in cooperation with the forum "Urbanes Gärtnern" and the project "Mosaic of Good Food for All".
For more information, please see the Flyer (only in German).