From fashion, music and media to technology

Mit Mode, Musik und Medien zur Technik

Feminist technoscientists and education researchers in Austria were happy, when 2012/2016 the two school shop classes for textiles and technology have finally been merged. So did our colleague Anita Thaler, who was invited on November 5th, 2021 to an “learning from each other” event at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, to talk about “From fashion, music and media to technology – Gender-sensitive technology didactics in schools“.

Thaler presented experiences from the IFZ projects Engineer Your Sound!, transFAIRmation, useITsmartly and Kids4Wearables, to explain the vehicle approach and the respective didactical concepts for science and technology subjects. The new school shop class will be named “technology and design”, and enable all students to get access to craft skills and technological competences.