Integrating Stakeholders From the Beginning – But (How) is that possible?
This was the question Anita Thaler aimed to answer with her conference presentation „‚Configuring the User as Somebody?’ A Transdisciplinary Technology Design Approach” at this year’s virtual EASST/4S conference .
Thaler reflected on the ongoing medicine technology project VITAPATCH, which received funding for implementing a gender perspective in the innovation process. Very early in the collaboration of engineers and feminist STS researchers (in the stage of proposal writing) it became clear that the requirement of integrating gender can be used to apply a participatory technology design approach by including stakeholders regularly from the very beginning. Thaler gave insights on this transdisciplinary undertaking drawing on the RRI values of societal relevance and reflexivity.
Finally, she explained how due to the COVID-19 pandemic originally planned co-creation workshop and face-to-face meeting formats have been improvised.