Smart City Profile

Comprehensive and comparable city profiles with a focus on climate and energy issues were developed for 20 selected Austrian “Smart Cities”.


Klima- und Energiefonds (KLI.EN); Programmlinie „Smart Energy Demo – fit4set“




Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien; Österreichischer Städtebund, Wien; Umweltdachverband, Wien; Universität Wien, Department für Raumentwicklung, Infrastruktur und Umweltplanung; co2 Werbe und Designagentur, Wien


In an initial stakeholder workshop, city requirements, central questions and priority areas were defined which then fed into indicators and profiles.

The profiles and specific final results were graphically optimized by a visualization of the profiles and the relevant drivers and indicators, to ensure an attractive layout and public comprehensibility.