VEKIAA - Responsible integration of AI assistants at the workplace
The project VEKIAA investigated how the workplace integration of digital assistants based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be done in the most responsible way possible.
Arbeiterkammer Wien (Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0)

Cover of the book: "Verantwortungsvolle Einbindung von KI-Assistenzsystemen am Arbeitsplatz".
Following a participatory RRI research approach to technology development, workers' representatives got to know AI assistance systems better in workshops and explored possible risks and potentials of the technologies. The central focus was on ethical considerations (e.g. questions about data protection) and aspects of equal opportunities (e.g. inclusion through assistance systems) and was oriented towards the concrete needs of workers. The project results were summarised in a handbook with concrete recommendations for workers' (representative) bodies, decision-makers in companies and technology developers. This handbook "Verantwortungsvolle Einbindung von KI-Assistenzsystemen am Arbeitsplatz" here.

The VEKIAA project team. From left to right: Jaroslava Huber (Pro2Future), Julian Anslinger (IFZ), Anita Thaler (IFZ) & Michael Haslgrübler (Pro2Future).