Two new projects on artificial intelligence at the IFZ

With the projects VEKIAA (Responsible Integration of AI Assistants at the Workplace) and (Fostering Fairness of and Trust in AI through Formats of Participatory Technology Design) the IFZ extends its profile with the topic of artificial intelligence (AI).

VEKIAA project members are happy about a successful virtual kick-off meeting
VEKIAA is funded by AK Wien as part of the Digitalizationfonds Work 4.0. The Project investigates how the workplace integration of digital assistants based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be done in the most responsible way possible. Project partner is the COMET Center and company Pro²Future.

During the introduction round at the virtual kick-off meeting project members hold personal things into the camera.
The project was developed as part of the FFG's Ideenlab 4.0 programme and is funded by the FFG. aims at creating new methods of participatory technology design for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through workshops. Project partners are the Center for Human-Computer Interaction der Universität Salzburg, Research & Data Competence, JOANNEUM Research Robotics and the Universität Wien.
Both projects are coordinated by Julian Anslinger.