Schlögelgasse 2, 8010 Graz
melanie [Punkt] troppe
ifz [Punkt] at
Melanie Troppe studies environmental systems/science and technology at the Karl-Franzens-University and Technical University in Graz. Since 2017 she has been working in the field of traffic education as a cycling trainer and thus found her way into project-related work in the field of mobility. From 2019-2021 she worked at FGM in national and international projects. In July 2021, Melanie started her work as a researcher at IFZ.
Main fields of acitivity
- Sustainable urban logistics
- Sustainable modes of mobility
- Traffic education
- Systems science and modeling
until 2024
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 03/2022-08/2024
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2020-2024
until 2023
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2020-2023
until 2022
Gesamtprojektlaufzeit: 2021-2022