
Mobility is one of the prerequisites for the functioning of our society and economy. However, our current mobility system is associated with the known negative consequences for people (including noise) and the environment (including energy consumption). We examine possibilities and developments towards a more environmentally friendly mobility system.

Some of the questions we tackle in our projects:

  • What are the social effects of new mobility technologies?
  • Which political instruments are suitable to influence everyday and leisure mobility?
  • What are the barriers that prevent the use of more environmentally friendly mobility systems?

For more information, please contact Jürgen Suschek-Berger.


Research Topic

Our projects on this research topic

This project examined the question of whether passenger transport and logistics can be combined in structurally weak rural areas, and if so, under what conditions.

Due to the lack of good public (local) transport in rural regions, there are already numerous systems of demand-oriented transport (so-called micro-public transport systems) which are well accepted by the population. They cover the majority of basic mobility needs in smaller communities and provide a connection to the surrounding infrastructure for people without a driving license or their own car.

As these mobility services are already established and have proven themselves in practice, it is obvious to look at whether free capacity in these systems can be used for logistics needs. When evaluating the requirements for a system for the simultaneous and combined transport of people and goods, legal, technical and organizational questions arise which are examined as part of the project.

The aim of the European commission is to make urban logistics emission-free by 2030. The FFG project LOGI-TOOLKIT wants to contribute to better integrating urban logistics in urban planning: The web-based LOGI-TOOLKIT is intended to support planning, administration and real estate development by taking logistical measures into account in the early phases of planning processes. Long-term effective and cost-intensive planning errors can thus be avoided and important steps taken to increase efficiency in urban logistics.

In this project, teaching materials on the subject of electro mobility were developed for pupils and young people between 13 to 14.

The project "We procure that!" developed measures with which contracting authorities can provide an incentive for their suppliers to increasingly deliver goods and services using low-emission delivery systems.

The project examines in which way mobility practices of millennials (born between 1985 and 2003) in Styria can be rearranged at biographical breaks and what offers and interventions are necessary to support a transformation towards sustainable mobility in the long term.

Three municipalities committed to zero emissions city logistics – Bremen (DE), Mechelen (BE) and Groningen (NL) – have joined forces with logistics stakeholders and leading academic institutions to accelerate the deployment of innovative, feasible and shared zero-emissions solutions, addressing the challenges generated by the rise of the on-demand economy in urban logistics.

Within the project, each of these lighthouse cities is going to implement at least two sustainable urban logistic solutions, the so called ULaaDS Trials. These trials will be fitted to the stakeholder needs and requirements via a multi stakeholder collaboration process and testes under real life conditions. The results of these trials will be implemented in guidelines to improve the conduction of Sustainable Urban Logistics Plannings (SULP) and will furthermore result in the development of a decision support toolbox for urban logistics.

In the project WATT's up ELMO?  children and adolescents explore in workshops together with experts various issues relating to the topics of electro mobility, sustainable power generation and related social and environmental aspects.

Problem: active and sustainable forms of mobility have lower safety risks compared to cars. In the subjective perception, however, differentiated fears lead to the fact that different forms of active and sustainable (multi) mobility are not used to a limited extent.

The aim of the project is to develop a catalogue of requirements for a general increase in attractiveness of public transport with particular focus on gender-based design of rail vehicles.