Gender, Science and Technology

The traditional focus of this research topic was "Gender in science and research". There we have dealt with issues of gender equality in science and technology universities and companies for many years. Numerous publications and events culminated in recommendations to political actors, as well as equal opportunities measures for technology organizations and universities.

In recent years, weve expanded our focus. On the one hand, we've included intersectional mechanisms in our gender analyzes, and on the other hand, we increasingly examine overall relationships in science and research. See all our research projects with a gender focus here.

For more information, please contact Anita Thaler.

Our projects on this research topic

In the “KInd” project, Pro2Future and IFZ are building a qualification network with small and medium-sized industrial companies on the topic of “cognitive industry”.

The strategic project, which is funded by COMET and carried out jointly by Pro²Future and IFZ, is intended to sensitize Pro²Future researchers to how gender and diversity can be taken into account and integrated in application-oriented research projects, especially those that use artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

PLANET4B is a transdisciplinary research project, aiming to understand and influence decision making affecting biodiversity. We rely on biodiversity for our very existence – it provides us with the basic ecosystem services that allow us to survive and thrive. Yet human lives and the biosphere itself are under threat due to the loss of biodiversity occurring at a global scale, and at an accelerating pace. Despite the mounting scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity, it still takes a back seat to political and other agendas.

Through action-orientated and participatory research the cooperation between 16 partners will collect and analyse theories, methods and good practices to bridge the gaps in knowledge and effective decision making.

The project "Creating STEM" ("MI(N)T gestalten") tries a new approach to attract more young women from the Salzkammergut region to STEM professions (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

As part of the project, a pilot activity was carried out to improve the opportunities for appropriation of public green spaces by female readers and women with multiple experiences of disadvantage.

The goal of the PROTEA project is to foster a vivid collaboration of industry, research and gender experts from IFZ to develop and implement the benefits of 3D-printing of prostheses, taking into account gender and diversity aspects. 

The project VEKIAA investigated how the workplace integration of digital assistants based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be done in the most responsible way possible.

The main aim of CHANGE – which is coordinated by IFZ – is to support research performing organisations (RPOs) to design and implement gender equality plans.

In the FEMtech project "Multifunctional Data Patch for Vital and Movement Monitoring in Everyday Environments" (VITAPATCH), a new technology is developed which makes it possible to realize cost-efficient assessments on a medical quality level in a close to everyday life setting, as well as fitness and movement monitoring. ECG electrodes and piezoelectric sensors on ultra-thin stretchable adhesive foils will send signals to a smartphone app.

The study explores the question of how technical training can become more attractive for young women and diverse young people.

VOICES is a COST Action that aims to increase the visibility of inequalities faced by Young Researchers and Innovators (YRIs) from a gender perspective, and to promote a sustainable dialogue between YRIs and stakeholders in the research ecosystem at the systemic level (European & national policy-makers) and at the institutional level (senior researchers, academic managers) by creating a community of gender equality practitioners composed of various stakeholders (YRIs, independent researchers, academic managers, organizations) across Europe.

This qualitative study explores current challenges of women in leadership positions in times oft he COVID-19 pandemic.
What did female leaders experience and which practices and strategies did they use to react?
The result is a dispositional analysis, including various positions and organisations, which will create the base for a larger study in 2021. aims at creating new methods of participatory technology design for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through workshops.

In the Kids4Wearables project, fashion is a general area of ​​interest for children and adolescents and is the starting point for the innovation theme Wearables. Wearables are technologies that are usually worn around the body (such as heart rate monitors, smartwatches, but also technologies that help people with a disability in their own autonomy).

The aim of the project is to develop a catalogue of requirements for a general increase in attractiveness of public transport with particular focus on gender-based design of rail vehicles. 

The energy transition is far more than a technical change. Profound changes in energy supply and use involve changes in technological, material, organizational, institutional, political, economic and socio-cultural terms. Therefore, it is a fundamental socio-technical change in energy use and associated systems.

The aim of the project GenderTime is to identify and implement the best systemic approach to increase the participation and career advancement of women researchers in the participating institutions.

"useITsmartly" develops innovative solutions to facilitate young people's capacity building of "smart IT use", and ideas on how to reach them with the topic environmental impact through IT use.

The „Vienna Science Festival“ (an initiative by the vice-major of Vienna, Renate Brauner) is hosted by the Vienna Business Agency since 2008. Under the collaboration of universities, universities of applied sciences, extra university research institutions and companies from Vienna the event is taking place in 2015 for the forth time. The goal is to bring „science to touch and play“ to a broader audience and show to the general public what and how science is done in Vienna.

The project „Code Studio“ by the Vienna Business Agency will enable children between 10 and 12 years to get to know IT jobs and game programming beyond gender stereotypes in an environment outside school. Thus children should get the possibility to interest themselves for gender-a-typical hobbies and jobs even before they enter the job orientation phase in school.

TransFAIRmation is a project collaboration of IFZ with teachers and students of NMS Albert Schweitzer, which uses a field of interest of children and teenagers (TV series) to elaborate a participatory teaching design facilitating the acquisition of technological and social competencies.

The objective of GISAlab is to support girls in discovering and developing their fascination and skills in regard to science and technology by offering them a creative and artistic approach to these fields of interest.

 In this study, affirmative action programmes for women in industrial research are examined.

Young people develop and design gender sensitive pictures of people and technology. A participatory technology research project to compile a non-sexist image database.

Aim of the project MOTIVATION is to compile an exchange between the partner countries in Europe about different factors, which influence the image of sciences and technology.

Participatory technology design using the example of music. Secondary-school students developing didactical concepts for interdisciplinary engineering education.

This project aims to identify and compare the personal, educational and socio-cultural factors that influence women’s and men’s choices towards engineering at key stages in their lives, and their success or lack of persistence.